Thursday, October 28, 2010

Two tricksters

We sent a firefighter and an astronaut off to school this morning, where they had a great party (including orange juice with spooky dry ice and spider rings in it). Between the candy and cupcakes, and the parade around the school and party, it's hard to imagine Halloween getting any better -- and yet they still have trick or treating on Sunday (and this is a great neighborhood for that). It's been such a fun day.

Here are some shots of astronaut Katie (we tried to find a patch and U.S. flag so she could be a dual-citizen astronaut, but didn't have much luck...), firefighter Livie (wanting to be just like Uncle Steve), and a hint of Jack's costume in the last shot -- his school party is tomorrow.

And stayed tuned for some Jack pictures tomorrow. Any guesses on what he plans to be?

1 comment:

alli said...

LOVE,LOVE,LOVE the girls costumes. Modern little ladies they are! Can't wait to see Jack's.

As they don't really celebrate Halloween here in France, we took the girls to party with Mickey Mouse for a couple of days. Great fun.

Bon Halloween!

The May Family xx