Sunday, November 21, 2010

Catching up...

Posting about Katie last night reminded me that it had been a LONG time since I had updated the blog. It really has been just too busy here, very un-French-like (or at least very much not our reality of life in France). We do our best to slow down when we can -- and the recent arrival of snow and cold makes staying the house and baking VERY appealing -- but as I just emailed a France friend, there are many nights when I fall into bed thinking that France seems very far away... both the place and the pace.


But here are a few pictures of the last few weeks. First, the much much overdue photos of Jack in his Halloween Ninja costume (good weapons make the costume).

And here you can see Kate and Liv showing off their new boots (Liv on left).

And finally, a photo of me and the girls outside of their school after Jack's class danced at a school assembly to celebrate Diwali (the Indian festival of lights). I tried to upload a video of the dance, which is fabulous and at times hilarious, but after 90 minutes of trying, it said it failed. Really. I might try again, or just rely on still photos!

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