Saturday, April 10, 2010

Row, row, row your bateau

Beaune was its most beautiful yet Saturday morning, and so we headed to the market (which is getting so crowded with all of those *tourists* (we say, feeling like we aren't really one of them), then to lunch, and then to Le Parc de la Bouzaise (which John had never seen) while Kathy and Alex toured the Hotel Dieu (which all of us had enjoyed).

At the market, the kids took a turn on the carousel, while I visited my favorite cheese vendor and was praised (?) for my luxe taste in cheese. Uh-oh. I don't think that's actually a good thing. But we returned with a plate full of our favorites, as a gift from Kathy and Alex (now those are GOOD friends).

At the park, after playing in the maze, after looking at the animals, after watching Jack fly through the air on the crazy swing/merry-go-round-this-would-never-be-legal-in-the-U.S.-or-Canada piece of playground equipment, and watching Kate and Liv master the art of sliding down a fire pole (Uncle Steven would be so proud), we decided to take a little boat ride.

First Jack and I headed out... then John took all three kids.. It was the kind of afternoon where you might start humming to yourself something about life being but a dream...

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