Friday, June 18, 2010

Five years old!

Kate and Liv have been making the most of their birthday -- they woke up around 3ish in the morning and have been having a great time all day. With just one small nap after lunch, they have made sand castles, opened presents, played in the hot tub, adored Willie (my parents' very old, very beloved dog), played, helped bake cakes, watched movies, and played some more.

I can't believe my babies are five. Not babies any more, really. But as a reminder of how small and perfect they once were, I found a few digital images from their first year. I'll add pictures from today once I find the cord in all of our very chaotic baggage mess.

Happy birthday Katharine Marie! Happy birthday Olivia Jane! You are loved soooooo much by soooooo many!

And I am not sure whether it's a good idea to include this one -- me and my GIANT belly mere hours before they were born (and in between contractions -- thus the smile).

And one each from their first birthday.


ldarvwill said...

Happy birthday to two amazing 5 year olds!!

Mikey Bikey said...

What did the skeleton ask the twin witches?

"Which witch is which?"

Géraldine said...

Joyeux Anniversaire KAtie and Olivia !!!
Gros bisous de France !

alli said...

Two absolutely gorgeous girls! I will always remember how kind they were to Penelope the first day they met her. What a lucky mum you are.

Happy Birthday Katie and Olivia from the May Family.

P.S. Look at you-- all baby! Very impressed that you managed a smile considering what was going on at the time. :)