Jack woke up early, showered, ate breakfast, and helped his sisters get ready so that we could actually leave on time. Jack was excited, singing "it's the first day of school, school, school, and it will be cool, cool, cool", while Kate and Liv were nervous and excited at the same time.
Before we left, we got the obligatory photos on the front porch:
In the car on the way (Jack will start taking the bus tomorrow, and the girls will take it later in the week):
And at the school:
Kate and Liv were all smiles when we picked them up, and Madame A. said that they (and a little boy who lived in France last year) did a color activity especially well -- yay Kate and Liv! We then went to eat lunch at Bonny's cafe to celebrate and that's when the heartache was the hardest for me, I think.
Bonny's was where John and I went after the ultrasound when we found out there were two babies in there... and while we ate today, as Kate and Liv talked the ears off all of Bonny's regulars -- people who remember them in their stroller and when they were small enough to walk under the counter, people who were SO excited for their big day -- John and I looked over and saw a family with a small baby in footed pajamas... and we wondered when our kids stopped wearing those. Some of the rites of passage you notice, like the first day of school. But there are so many other ways that they show they are growing up -- feeding themselves, putting on their own shoes, wearing regular pajamas... and these just slip away without ceremony or fanfare. It's a bittersweet feeling to be sure, for the parents, anyway.
But as for the kids -- it was a great day. They loved it. And they can't wait to go back.
1 comment:
LOVED this post. They all look so grown up and excited. We start back on Thursday. Claudia is really nervous and Lauren is excited. Fingers crossed.
p.s. no more footie pj's for Penelope. They go up to 24 months and now she is too tall. :(
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