Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bicycles built for two

One reason for the mosquito madness is that we are spending a lot of time doing this this summer:

Jack is a whiz on two wheels, and as of Saturday they are new wheels. Yes, Jack grew so much this last year that even with the seat and handlebars raised as much as they could go, his knees were still hitting the handlebars... and so we had to buy a new bike for him. (Sadly, we do not have many friends kids older than Jack  to pass down these kinds of things... although we are the lucky beneficiaries of many such hand-me-downs for Kate and Liv).

And they have been having fun on their little bikes... and might be able to figure out two wheels (and no training wheels) by the end of the summer. In the meantime, when we want to take a long ride, they love riding on the tandem bikes. This is a great attachment that allows a small child to ride along with an adult, figure out balance, and go much, much further than they could on their own. We found one at a garage sale, and one was (no surprise here) a hand-me-down.

Yesterday, we rode several kilometers to Nicolas Sheran Park and raced around the lake. It was a perfect way to spend the holiday (Heritage Day here in Canada... better known as the August Long Weekend). Now if only those mosquitos would go away (yes, that is Jack swatting one while riding below!)


alli said...

The girls LOVE Jack's new bike! They want to know if he can bring it to France next summer?!!!!! xx Alli

Todd Tyrtle said...

Our son was too old by the time we discovered the trailabike. That said, I am a HUGE fan of full-sized tandem bikes. We got one a few months back and it has been a great way for us to travel, allowing me to go on busier streets with my son than I'd be comfortable with his riding alone. And when he doesn't come with me, it's a great "minivan" to go out grocery shopping with when it's just Sage and I. As I'm sure you've discovered, it's way easier to have a conversation when someone's right behind you.

Which is to say, don't give up on the tandem idea after the kids get too big for the trailabike.