Monday, August 2, 2010

Poor Liv

Lethbridge has had its wettest summer in memory, and so the landscape is still shockingly green (instead of the brown and yellow it usually is this time of year). While we like the green, we do not like the small critters that have accompanied all of this rain -- mosquitos.

The kids and John, especially, have been getting eaten alive. We carefully plan our bike rides and park trips for the middle of the day, hoping the heat will keep them away. Even so, the mosquito bites continue to appear. Poor Liv suffered the worst of all bites this weekend -- one got her on her EYELID. We noticed it Friday night, and when she woke up Saturday morning, she could not open the eye. The picture here was taken after the Benedryl start to do some of its work... but even so... poor baby.

Thankfully, she and the others with delicious blood are as good as usual today. They all have a few more bites on legs and arms, of course, but that seems to be the price we are paying for this glorious green summer.


alli said...

Bless her! Claudia seems to be the victim of choice in our house. She swells up like poor Liv. No more sleeping with the windows open for her. Love to everyone there. - Alli

Andrew Carlson said...

That is a wicked bite.