Thursday, August 5, 2010

Go Panthers! (or, a story about how you can go home again)

There was really only one thing I was certain of when we finally made it back home after all of our travels this year: I had no desire to leave again any time soon.

So even though John`s 20th high school reunion was approaching, I confidently decided that he should go and enjoy himself in Montana, but I would not be going anywhere. And when I began to get reminders about my own 20th high school reunion, I said no way would I get on a plane, not me, nope, not happening.

And then Jason came to town (yes, Jason, it is all your fault!). He and John have been friends for 32 years. They met when they were seven or so, and their boyish humor still surfaces whenever they are around each other. They had so. much. fun. talking and reminiscing and laughing and remembering during the two days Jason and Christy stayed at our home en route to their reunion... that I decided that, well, maybe, perhaps, it seems,as it happens... that I kind of wanted to go to my reunion too.

I was able to get an OK price on a ticket from Great Falls to Denver, and on July 23, off I went. And I am so glad I did. I got to see my own oldest childhood friend, Suzanne, and so many other people with whom I talked and reminisced and laughed and remembered. It was the right choice. I still hate flying, and I still love being home... but I am glad I was able to go back to my childhood home for a weekend, too, and reconnect with some really wonderful people. Dad even let me take his convertible to the party Saturday night, and I picked up three great girlfriends and we felt FABULOUS as we cruised through the familiar streets of Colorado Springs. Thanks to Suzanne for this photo -- it is one of my favorites of the whole weekend.

(And for the record, we all agreed we were aging VERY well. For one thing... our hair is not nearly as big as it was in 1990. Check out me and Suz walking to graduation... you would not believe the amount of hairspray that was needed to get those looks!)

I`ll add some other photos of the weekend  below-- there was an all-school reunion on Friday night, an all-school picnic on Saturday, and a party for the class of 1990 (go Panthers!) on Saturday night. I want to thank both my mom and John`s mom who encouraged me to go (and worried, I think, that I would regret it if I stayed home). I think they were right! It was a great weekend start to finish.

And speaking of reunions.... we are heading off to a gathering of John`s family this weekend at Flathead Lake in Montana. I hope to get some great photos there - it`s a beautiful place. Maybe it will be OK to occasionally leave this lovely Lethbridge home from time to time, after all.

1 comment:

Beth said...

It's been great to reconnect with you over the last few months and I am sooooo glad you came to the reunion! Especially because you missed the 10th. It just wouldn't have been right to not see you for 30 years!! And now that we've reconnected, hopefully we can do it again before the next 10 years pass - since we're both usually in CO each summer.