Monday, May 3, 2010

Loire pictures, part II: Chambord

Saturday took us to Chambord, the most grand of France's famous chateaux. The highlights included the marvelous double-helix staircase (said to be designed by Leonardo da Vinci); the weird garage sale atmosphere on the grounds surrounding the chateau (apparently it was a big deal with hundreds of vendors and thousands of buyers... which we were quite clueless about. We took quite a few photos of people carryingout chairs, wheelbarrows, china and more... in a way that looked like they had just wandered off with some random furniture from the castle); the fabulous dog paintings with signs that reminded John of inspirational office posters (like "reliance" and "obedience" for the royal cubicle workers); and the magical feeling walking along the rooftop looking out over the land and feeling just how massive the building really is. The pictures just can't tell the story of how amazing the place felt... but here are our best shots...


Mikey Bikey said...

Great photos, Lisa. I'm jealous (still).

Beth said...

Ok, so what's your mom doing in the 7th photo from the bottom? :-)

Lisa K. said...

Beth -- we were standing in the bottom of the tower with the circling stairs, looking up at the bright lantern... she was amazed (and a little dizzy!) LOL. Thanks for asking. SHould have explained!