Sunday, June 20, 2010

Last days in Ely

Jet lag. Yup. Jet lag. And kids. Not a pretty sight.

I think kids must have an incredibly strong internal body clock, because despite being exhausted and going to bed at almost normal bedtimes, all of them are WIDE awake early in the morning. The first day, Jack woke at 2:30 a.m., and Kate and Liv sometime around 3ish. On Friday, it was 4 a.m. Today it was 5 a.m. On all of those days, John and I would have been VERY happy to sleep for hours and hours more. We had no trouble adjusting to the new time -- but despite Jack's general good behavior and reliability, we weren't entirely comfortable just leaving him in charge and letting all three of them loose on my parents' house without supervision.

So we are all very tired. But we are also very happy to be here. And I finally found the cord to my camera, so am hoping to post a bunch of photos tonight if the internet connection holds.

First up -- our last days in Ely.

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