Friday, June 4, 2010

Patience + Practice = Magic

Ever since we arrived, we`ve seen signs all over town advertising a performance for children of The Sorcerer`s Apprentice. In a move that surprised me (and John), I actually was organized enough to order the tickets in time and we set off for the show yesterday afternoon.

Well, first we went on a bit of a mission into town. First we stopped for lunch at the Almonry, a restaurant in the crypt of a building next to Ely`s magnificent cathedral, where Kate and Liv enjoyed a ham sandwich and Jack tried out a Ploughman`s Plate (bread, cheese, veggies... perfection!). Then we set off to look for new sandals for Jack (his toes are literally hanging over the ends of last summer`s sandals) ... but the kids also wanted to go to the toy store to buy birthday gifts for each other. Kate and Liv seem almost as excited about Jack`s birthday (on June 8) as they are about their own (June 17). They are counting down the days to his big day, and advising him on cake choices, meal preferences, and other important plans.

Taking three kids to a toy store without backup was probably not my best idea ever. It was, to say the least, a bit chaotic. But I had told them the price limit (and they seemed to actually understand, with the exception of when Kate and Liv pointed out a $150 mega Lego Star Wars set that they thought Jack would really REALLY like). I reminded them they were shopping for each other (not picking out things for themselves). And eventually each had selected a present for the appropriate siblings. Whew. A parenting success, or something like that!

We dropped the presents off at home and then walked down to the river, where the performance would be held.

It was a one-man-two-puppet show, and all three kids loved it. It starts with a new magician`s apprentice explaining that Patience + Practice = Magic... and moved on into a wonderful, funny, thoughtful, interesting show. We couldn`t take pictures during the performance, but were able to snap some at the end when the performer came out to talk to the kids.

Not only was he a talented performer during the show, but then he was also unbelievably patient as he explained how the puppets worked, how the set and lights and props were made, and how only a real magician can wear the magical cap (and he proceeded to let all of the kids try it on). The only thing he didn`t share was his magical tricks -- because a true magician never gives those secrets away, even to a room full of clamouring kids.

While we were having all of this fun, John was presenting a paper in Denmark. Thankfully, it was very well received, and he is now able to enjoy the rest of the conference. We`re all eager to see him when he gets back, but have (clearly) been managing to get by with lunch out and shopping!

And... on a slightly sad note, I have to report our first huge case of homesickness, or pet-sicknessness as the case may be. During breakfast a half hour ago, we were talking about all of the other June birthdays we get to celebrate (their cousin David, friends Jim and Alex, auntie Amy, and many, many more). Of course, June is also the month we celebrate our dog Kaia`s birthday... and when I mentioned that, Katie just lost it. She misses Kaia so much, she said, and what if she dies before we get home? Miss K is an old dog, at least 12 but possibly much older as we adopted her as an adult, and for the last few years we`ve talked about how no one knows how long any dog will live, which clearly Katie remembered. In the midst of her sobs and real tears and mumbling words none of us could understand, she started to list all of the people she missed (including some France friends as well as many friends and family in North America), but, still sobbing, said she misses Kaia most of all.

She is now working on a drawing of her taking Kaia on a walk, and I really, really, REALLY hope our sweet mutt, who is living the life of luxury at with John`s parents and sister in Montana, hangs on for another 18 days! There will be three happy kids (and two happy adults) very, very eager to see her.

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